The executive committee is guided by the scientific advisory board, governance board, DEI advisory board, and industry advisory board of the center on matters related to research, administration, and DEI strategies and activities per their distinct roles as described below.
Scientific Advisory Board: Is constituted of experts from the scientific community of relevance to the research thrusts of the center but outside the partnering or collaborating institutions. They provide critical and constructive feedback on the research activities and future directions while ensuring the project outcomes align with the EFRC mission and that the stated scientific research goals are met. ​
DEI Advisory Board: It constitutes DEI representatives from the partner institutions. They provide input on the development of the center’s DEI strategic plan and monitor and review its implementation.​
Governance Board: Is comprised of research administrators such as vice president, associate dean for research, chief scientific officer from each partner institution. They ensure that AIM’s policies, procedures, and DEI initiatives are aligned with institutional policies and procedures. Board member Dr. Sue Clark, the deputy director of the Savannah River National Lab (SRNL), was an EFRC director at PNNL. Her experience will be very valuable to the center’s governance.​
Industry Advisory Board: It consists of members from industries who have significant interest in the research outcomes of the center. While the EFRC focuses on fundamental science, its translational trajectory is of interest to industry, which is an important factor in the center’s sustainability.
Advisory Boards
The composition of the Advisory Boards is shown below.